Now that I've been back in the States for about 5 months now, I figured that I should update this. I apologize to those of you who have been checking my blog regularly, waiting on the edge of your seat for an update. :-)
As many of you know, I've been living with my best friend Marissa Oswald in Santa Rosa for the last few months. It has been a wonderfuly blessing living with her. I work full-time as a preschool teacher at a school in Rohnert Park. It is alot of fun, but very tiring.
I will start soon to begin raising support to return to the Dominican Republic for full-time ministry. This summer I will attend a missions training conference as well as a month of intensive language school before moving to the DR in August.
I appreciate your prayers during this time as I am working to save money and begin fundraising. Pray that I would trust God with my finances as I begin to raise support. Also, please pray for me during this time of preparation and waiting before I return back to the mission field. I know that God has some special things in store for me right now, even though I feel so impatient to get back to the DR. Please pray that God would be using me even now to further his work both here and abroad. Pray that He would be speaking to me and preparing me for what is next in my life as I am preparing to go into full time ministry.
I would love to keep you all updated during this process and will be doing so both my email, my blog and by snail mail. If
you were not on my mailing list before or have changed your contact information, please shoot me a quick email ( with your mailing address.
Thanks so much for all your continued support!
Con mucho amor,
p.s. here is a little family photo taken this Christmas: